The investigation in NMCC is a mathematical task that the class should investigate carefully.

It is possible to solve the problem using various methods and strategies.

The challenge for the class will be to consider the different methods and strategies, compare and contrast them and to make a report that shows both the process and the mathematical findings.

Advice will also be given to the teacher about how the work might be organised so that all of the pupils can make a contribution to the work that is undertaken in the class.

The adcice will be handed out by the national organizers.

Mathematical ideas and procedures can be expressed in many ways. We can use casual everyday language and the formal language of mathematics – both in spoken and written forms. We can use concrete materials, models and drawings to highlight a mathematical idea.

The work done by the class will be assessed by a jury consisting of teachers and mathematicians. For each task there will be criteria that fit the task.

Pictures of the four exhibions 2022


Investigation 2022-23

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Ellipses can be made in different ways.
They can be drawn both by paper and pencil and different physical and digital tools.

  1. Give a brief explanation of the properties of ellipses.
  2. Investigate different methods of making ellipses and give a rationale for how each method meet the properties of ellipses.


The whole class should work on the problem and make a joint subject report which offers a thorough explanation of

  • how the class has worked with the problems
  • what challenges you have encountered and how you solved them
  • what results you have reached


We can find ellipses both in nature and culture.

  1. Present examples of ellipses - for example in nature or culture - three in total.
  2. Create a decorative elliptical object for the exhibition.
    Document the process with images.


Make a presentation where the audience will get an insight into the inquiry based work both with the report and the exhibition. The presentation shall be performed in such a way that it can awaken the interest of a mixed audience.

NB. Pay careful attention to the assessment criteria for the task before you start the investigation.

NMCC Assesment Criteria for Investigation 2022-23